When Can Your Homeowners Insurance Company Cancel Or Not Renew You?

Living in Florida, where there are storms and other catastrophes, one thing is unfortunately common in the world of homeowners insurance: Cancellations of your insurance policy. Unlike other kinds of insurance, where we figure we aren’t at risk unless we make claims (or too many of them), with homeowners insurance, it is often the case that policies are cancelled through no fault of or because of any action at all by the homeowner.
Emergencies and Hurricanes
There are certain rules and requirements that a property insurance company must follow before it cancels your homeowners insurance policy.
An insurance company cannot cancel your coverage during a hurricane, or immediately before a hurricane threatens to strike. If it does so, the coverage is considered to be extended until after the hurricane is over, and any damage caused by the hurricane is considered covered (assuming it would be covered by the terms of the policy in the first place).
The insurer can charge you for premiums during this extended time, until the hurricane passes through.
No insurer can cancel any homeowners or business property insurance while there is a state of emergency issued. Any damage caused by the subject that caused the state of emergency to be issued, is considered covered, even if the insurance company tried to cancel your policy. The property must be completely repaired, meaning it is restored so as to be insurable by another insurance company.
Other Reasons for Cancellations
So when can your insurance policy be canceled? You probably already know that it can be cancelled for not paying premiums. Your insurance company must give you 10 days notice of cancellation when a premium is not paid.
But in other situations, the insurance company may claim that you lied, defrauded them, or otherwise, breached your obligations under the insurance contract, such as if you were to do something to delay the insurance company’s right to investigate or repair damage to your property.
In these situations, the insurance company can cancel your policy by giving you 45 days notice.
Non Renewals
Of course, often an insurance company won’t cancel you in the middle of your policy, they will just opt not to renew you at the expiration of your existing insurance contract. If they do so after the property has been damaged, and the damage is covered by the policy, the insurer must give you 90 days notice of cancellation, after the property has been fully repaired.
If your policy is not renewed, you can get another policy. But sometimes, another policy isn’t available. If that’s the case, your only option will be the state-run “Citizens Insurance,” often called the insurance company of last resort.
Premiums with citizens may be competitive, but coverage is not always complete or thorough, But for many who cannot find any insurance company, Citizens may be the only option.
Contact the Miami personal injury attorneys at Velasquez & Associates P.A. today for help if you have a dispute with your homeowners insurance company.