Category Archives: Property Damage Insurance

Common Mistakes People Make When Filing Homeowners Insurance Claims
When your property has sustained a loss of some kind, or damage, and that damage is covered by the policy, it may seem like there is little you can do wrong. The insurance company may give you problems, or dispute coverage, or have a different opinion than you about the value of your claim,… Read More »

Damage To A Car Doesn’t Show How Injured The People Inside May Be
When you are in a car accident, one thing that the Defendant or the insurance company for the defendant will ask about, is the damage that was done to your car. The logic is this: People whose cars are severely damaged and mangled, likely sustained more personal injury. The damage to the car tends… Read More »

Maintain Your Home Or Risk Having Your Claim Denied
In many homeowners insurance disputes, the insurance company will deny payment to the homeowner, on the basis that the damage to the home is not covered by the policy. You may wonder how that is possible, but it often happens because of homeowner neglect. Example of Neglect Let’s say that there is a tree… Read More »

Don’t Forget These Additions To Your Standard Insurance Policies
At a restaurant, you may be used to eating places that serve food a la carte. That generally means you get what’s there—any extras, sides or additions will have to be ordered and paid for separately. More and more, it almost seems like insurance policies are becoming a la carte, because the list of… Read More »

What Happens When Your Insurance Company Goes Bankrupt Or Is Insolvent?
It seems that every day in the news, there is another insurance company going bankrupt or insolvent. In some cases, there may not be another insurance company to just step in the place of your old insurance company. So what happens when your homeowner’s insurance company is bankrupt or insolvent? FIGA to the Rescue?… Read More »

Can You Get An Insurance Company’s Claims File?
When you sue an insurance company for a dispute over a homeowners insurance claim, the adjuster’s claim file can have vital evidence that can help you prove your case. But can you get that file, as a part of the litigation discovery process? The Claims File When an insurance company adjusts a claim, it… Read More »

Read Your Business Interruption Policies Carefully
Business interruption insurance is intended to, as the name implies, pay you for losses that your business incurs as a result of something out of your control. But like many insurance policies, what is and isn’t covered, is often a matter of the exact language of the insurance policy. Restaurant Claims Business Interruption This… Read More »

Using Bad Faith To Get More Than What The Insurance Policy Insures
Let’s say that someone injures you in a car accident, and they are negligent or at fault. They injure you severely. However, the insured driver has a very small insurance policy—say, $10,000. Now, you have a problem, because you either will have to resolve the entire case for just the $10,000, or you will… Read More »

Why Are Mass Tort Defective Product Cases So Difficult To Win?
When products are defective and they injure people, those injuries can be limited—but they also can injure a great many people. With the number of people who use many commercial products or medications, all it takes is one defective product to potentially impact and injure thousands, tens, or hundreds of thousands of people. But… Read More »

Can You Make A Homeowners Insurance Claim For Mold?
In Florida, many people see mold as a fact of life, what with our humidity, heat and rainfall. But mold is hardly innocuous; depending on the kind of mold, and who you ask, mold can either inflame allergies, or cause cancers. So when you do see or find mold, you may want to make… Read More »