Category Archives: Immigration

Steps To Becoming A US Citizen
For many immigrants, the ultimate goal is to become a United States citizen. But the path to citizenship can be long and confusing. Here are some basic steps to help you understand the process towards becoming a full United States citizen. Basic Requirements To be a U.S. Citizen, you must first hold a green… Read More »

Gay Parents Win Citizenship Fight for Their Child
The LGBTQ movement has attained many civil rights, and equality in many areas of the law. But one area where LGBTQ rights may be lagging, is in immigration law, as indicated in a recent case. Child Denied Citizenship The case involved two homosexual men who had a daughter in 2018. They used a process… Read More »

Immigrants Are Put at Risk As Immigration Courts Remain Open
For the last few months, it seems like the entire world has shut down because of COVID-19. Those shutdowns include court systems. Some courts have held hearings by phone, but for the most part, any type of hearing or trial that is not essential, was put on hold. That is, other than immigration courts,… Read More »

Having an Immigration Attorney Makes a Huge Difference
We have learned since grade school about the fundamental right to have an attorney by our side when we are presented with the possible loss of life or liberty. Many people think this right applies in all cases when people’s fundamental rights are threatened by the government, but in fact, there is one area… Read More »

What is Asylum and Who Qualifies for Asylum?
With all the news about immigration today, there is more and more talk about people seeking asylum. But what is asylum, and who qualifies for it? Who Qualifies People who are seeking asylum are not simply coming to this country for more money, or a more comfortable life, although those are still valid reasons… Read More »